Ryerson ITSDC: Faculty Issues

This is not policy. It is a target to focus discussion on the issue.

Faculty Issues Related to Instructional Technology


Transitional Steps

  1. All faculty require access to hardware and software that minimally will enable e-mail and Internet access.
  2. Faculty need available and user-friendly support and training to learn about the use of the new technologies. Identification of persons responsible for specific schools within Ryerson is recommended e.g. organized like Ryerson Library in terms of designated contact person
  3. Incentives need to be determined for the development of IT in new course offerings, i.e, recognition (release time/course prep time), incorporation into teaching dossier
  4. A policy is needed regarding ownership of courseware developed for on-line access. (Refer to intellectual property committee)
  5. Educational research on the outcomes of the digital classroom is valid and necessary.

Maintained by Dave Mason as part of the ITSDC pages
Last modified: Fri Jun 27 17:43:21 EDT 1997