ITSDC June 10 Meeting Precise
Although just over half of the committe was able to make this meeting,
we had an extensive, wide-ranging, and impassioned discussion about
just where the committee was going, and practical terms of reference.
The short answer is that the committee is to provide the V.P. Academic
with an investment strategy and direction for the next several years.
This recommendation can move in essentially two directions:
- Continue in an essentially traditional university model, and
invest money in individual, short-term items.
- Move to an electronic university.
Within this there are two options:
- A lab-based university.
- A laptop-based university.
Part of the discussion was about the nature of a polytechnic
education. After discussing job-oriented training and abstract
education, the committee was reminded that the Ryerson mandate is to
provide career education.
Dave Mason
Last modified: Thu Jun 12 01:28:41 EDT 1997